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Home » Principles of Public Finance


Principles of Public Finance:


Public Finance:


Public finance, according to the traditional definition of the subject, is that branch of Economics which deals with, the income and expenditure of a government. In the words of Adam Smith: Continue reading.


Public Finance Versus Private Finance:


Public finance is different from private finance. Findlay Shiraz in his famous book 'Principles of Public Finance' has listed the following points of difference between government finance and private finance. Continue reading.


Public Expenditure:


The classical economists did not attach much importance to public expenditure. They advocated the policy of laissez-faire. They held the view that government expenditure were apt to be wasteful. They firmly believed that if money was left in the private hands, it could bring better returns. Continue reading.


Principles of Public Expenditure:


The government expenditure should be incurred in such a way that it should give benefit to the community as a whole. The aim of the public expenditure is the provision of maximum social advantage. Continue reading.


Public Expenditure and National Income:


Public expenditure exercises a far-reaching influence upon the national economy of a country. Its economic effects can be viewed from two points: Continue reading.


Role of State in Economic Activity:


The role of the state in economic affairs is a complex and controversial topic. The political thinkers are divided about the extent and mode of state interference in economic activity. Continue reading.


Functions of Modern State:


The activities undertaken by the modern state are complex and varied. This is due to the fact that there is a strong demand by the people for active state intervention in the social and economic affairs of the country. Continue reading.




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Economic Development and Economic Growth
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Agriculture and Economic Development
Monetary Economics and Public Finance
History of Money


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