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Home » Agriculture and Economic Development

Agriculture and Economic Development:


Role of Agriculture Sector in Economic Development of a Developing Country:


The development of any poor and backward economy can be brought by promoting its agri. sector. It is evident from the following arguments: Continue reading.


Structure of Third World Agrarian System:


We should know that agri. sector can play an important role in the economic development of any country. In other words, if agri. sector is promoted it will lead to promote the overall development of any country. Continue reading.


Economics of Agricultural Development/Stages of Agricultural Development:


In respect of agri. production and agri. development the economists present three stage, which are as: Continue reading.


Strategy for Agricultural and Rural Development:


We know about the stages of agri. development. Most of the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America are passing through stage I to stage II. Continue reading.


Economics of Small Scale Agriculture:


We know about the agrarian structures of Asia, Latin America and Africa. This give us an information that in these areas of the world the major share of agriculture consists of subsistence or small scale farming. Continue reading.


Economics of Agriculture Specialization:


In agriculture specialization, farmers produce one crop instead of so many crops. In other words, the farmers, adopt specialized farming. By doing so they avail all those benefits which are accrued to the big businesses. Continue reading.


Role of Agriculture in Economic Growth:


Economic development is a process whereby the real national income of a country increases over a long period of time. If the increase in real national income is greater than the increase in population growth, the real per capita income would increase. Continue reading.


Agriculture Surplus as a Source of Capital Formation and Economic Development:


In this connection we study (1) Classical Model, (2) Growth Stage Theories, and (3) Kuznets Views. Continue reading.


Surplus Labor as a Source of Capital Formation and Economic Development:


In this connection we shall study (1) Nurksey Model, (2) Dual Economy Models like Sociological Dualism, Technical Dualism, Lewis Model and Fei-Ranis Model. Continue reading.


Agriculture Sector and Capital Formation in Developing Countries:


The world history reveals that the agri. sector contributed towards capital formation, hence it became helpful for economic development Now we establish a link between agri. sector and capital formation. Continue reading.


Land Reforms or Agrarian Reforms:


The land reforms or agrarian reforms means all those measures which are aimed at removing those obstacles which are responsible for keeping the agriculture sector backward socially and economically. Continue reading.


Land Reforms Measures:


In so many countries under land reforms the lands are taken over by the govt. But this method was adopted under socialist countries. Continue reading.


Effects of Agrarian Reforms:


Because of land reforms the economic power of the land lords in the rural areas comes down. But this depends upon how effective the land reforms are. This is the reason that land reforms got success either in socialistic countries, or in the strict ideological countries like Israel and India. Continue reading.


Agrarian Reforms and Economic Development:


The land reforms in a country can play an effective role in its development if there exist certain circumstances and conditions in a country. The land reforms are unable to remove the obstacles in the way of social and economic development. Continue reading.


Green Revolution (GR):


When better and superior seeds are used; the fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and sprays are used; and the farm machinery like tractors, harvesters, tube wells and threshers etc., are used to enhance the agriculture output and agri. productivity - such all is given the name of Green Revolution (GR). Continue reading.


Nature of Green Revolution (GR):


Due to Green Revolution (GR) miracle seeds known as HYV (High yielding variety) have been adopted by the farmers in some LDCs at a high rates. As in Pakistan about 73% of wheat was sown with "Mexican" seed of wheat during 1969-70. Continue reading.


Causes or Importance of Green Revolution (GR):


During fifties and early sixties due to population growth the real per capita income and per capita food availability has reduced. When the food production hardly increased while population increased. Continue reading.


Effects of Green Revolution (GR) on Income:


Here we assume that GR is technological and biological. Whether GR is labor using or labor displacing depends on the net effect of the forces released by two different kinds of technical progress. Continue reading.


Problems/Demerits of Green Revolution (GR):


Apparently this scheme of GR looks very attractive that it will lead to bring a revolution in agri. But Prof. Hala Mynit has presented a lot of problems regarding GR. They are as: Continue reading.


Relationship Between Farm Size and Farm Output with Respect to Productivity


Normally it is said that as the size of the farm increases, the per acre yield of the farm decreases. It means that the small farms are more efficient than the large farms. In this respect, following arguments are given: Continue reading.


Productivity of Lands:


Here we discuss relationship between size of lands and the productivity of lands as to whether the small farms are more productive as compared with large farms. Continue reading.


Relationship Between Green Revolution and Size Productivity:


We know that higher the size of farms lower will be the productivity of land while the reverse is true in the case of small farms. But in this analysis land was the variable factor. Continue reading.



Principles and Theories of Micro Economics
Definition and Explanation of Economics
Theory of Consumer Behavior
Indifference Curve Analysis of Consumer's Equilibrium
Theory of Demand
Theory of Supply
Elasticity of Demand
Elasticity of Supply
Equilibrium of Demand and Supply
Economic Resources
Scale of Production
Laws of Returns
Production Function
Cost Analysis
Various Revenue Concepts
Price and output Determination Under Perfect Competition
Price and Output Determination Under Monopoly
Price and Output Determination Under Monopolistic/Imperfect Competition
Theory of Factor Pricing OR Theory of Distribution
Principles and Theories of Macro Economics
National Income and Its Measurement
Principles of Public Finance
Public Revenue and Taxation
National Debt and Income Determination
Fiscal Policy
Determinants of the Level of National Income and Employment
Determination of National Income
Theories of Employment
Theory of International Trade
Balance of Payments
Commercial Policy
Development and Planning Economics
Introduction to Development Economics
Features of Developing Countries
Economic Development and Economic Growth
Theories of Under Development
Theories of Economic Growth
Agriculture and Economic Development
Monetary Economics and Public Finance
History of Money


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