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Home » Price and Output Determination Under Monopolistic Competition


Price and Output Determination Under Monopolistic/Imperfect Competition:


Historical Background of Monopolistic Competition:


Before 1933, the price analysis was studied under two market models. Continue reading.


What is Monopolistic/Imperfect Competition?


Monopolistic competition as the name signifies is a blend of monopoly and competition. It is a systematic and realistic theory of price analysis in this imperfectly competitive world. Continue reading.


Characteristics of Monopolistic/Imperfect Competition:


The main characteristic or features of monopolistic competition are as under: Continue reading.


Short Run Equilibrium Under Monopolistic/Imperfect Competition:


Monopolistic competition refers to the market organization where there are a fairly large number of firms which sell somewhat differentiated products. Continue reading.


Equilibrium Price and Output in the Long Run Under Monopolistic/Imperfect Competition:


In the long run, the firms are able to alter the scale of plant according to the changed conditions of demand for a product in the market. Continue reading.


Wastes of Monopolistic/Imperfect Competition:


Under monopolistic competition or imperfect competition, there are wastes of expenditures. Wastes of monopolistic competition are in brief as follows: Continue reading.


Price and Output Determination Under Oligopoly:


Oligopoly falls between two extreme market structures, perfect competition and monopoly. Oligopoly occurs when a few firms dominate the market for a good or service. Continue reading.


Pricing and Output Determination Under Duopoly:


If an industry is composed of only two giant firms, each selling identical products and having half of the total market, there is every likelihood of collusion between the two firms. Continue reading.


Three Important Models of Oligopoly:


Three Important Economic Models of Oligopoly are as: Continue reading.




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