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Home » Equilibrium of Demand and Supply


Equilibrium of Demand and Supply:


Equilibrium of Demand and Supply:


The price of a commodity in the market is determined by the interaction of the forces of demand and supply. By "demand for a commodity" at a given price is meant: Continue reading.


Effects of Changes in Demand on Equilibrium Market:


We know that if the price rises, other things remaining the same, people buy less of that commodity and if price falls, people buy more of that commodity. Continue reading.


Effects of Shifts in Supply on Market Equilibrium:


Just as we have discussed the effects of changes in demand on price, we can also explain the effects of changes in supply on the equilibrium price. Continue reading.


Effects of Shifts in Both Supply and Demand on Equilibrium Price and Quantity:


We have so far discussed the effects of changes in demand and supply on equilibrium price separately. Let us now consider a case in which changed in demand and supply take place, simultaneously. Continue reading.




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