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Home » Theory of Demand


Theory of Demand:


Meanings of Demand:


The word 'demand' is so common and familiar with every one of us that it seems superfluous to define it. The need for precise definition arises simply because it is sometimes confused with other words such as desire, wish want, etc. Continue reading.


Law of Demand:


We have stated earlier that demand for a commodity is related to price per unit of time. It is the experience of every consumer that when the prices of the commodities fall, they are tempted to purchase more. Continue reading.


Individual's and Market Demand for a Commodity:


The individuals demand for a commodity is the amount of a commodity which the consumer is willing to purchase at any given price over a specified period of time. Continue reading.


Movement Vs Shifts of Demand Curve:


Changes in demand for a commodity can be shown through the demand curve in two ways. Continue reading.


Non Price Factors or Shifts Factors Causing Changes in Demand:


While explaining the law of demand, we have stated that, other things remaining the same (cetris paribus), the demand for a commodity inversely with price per unit of time. Continue reading.


Slope of the Demand Curve:


The demand curve generally slopes downward from left to right. It has a negative slope because the two important variables price and quantity work in opposite direction. Continue reading.




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