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Home » Agriculture and Economic Development » Nature of Green Revolution (GR) 


Nature of Green Revolution (GR):


(1) Due to Green Revolution (GR) miracle seeds known as HYV (High yielding variety) have been adopted by the farmers in some LDCs at a high rates. As in Pakistan about 73% of wheat was sown with "Mexican" seed of wheat during 1969-70. Same is the case with Philippine. But neither the size of the farm nor the land tenure system has ever become the constraint in the way of use of HYV.


(2) The size of the farm, the shortage of current supply and other complementary inputs did not check the adoption of new technology.


(3) It has also been found that the introduction of HYV technology has led to a rise in the demand for farm labor. As the case of inflow of labor from other sectors of the economy to agriculture sector during harvesting and sowing seasons. This has also increased the real wages of the labor. However, if GR is attached with farm mechanization and tractorisation the employment opportunities will decrease and the wages will fall.


(4) The adoption of HYV has widened the disparity in income distribution. As the big land lords have been benefited more as compared with small peasants. Furthermore GR has also increased the income differentials between the regions within the same country. As in case of Pakistan some regions are more prosperous than other, e.g. the Sahiwal area is more fertile and prosperous as compared with Mianwali. Hence, the impact of GR on fertile region will be more than non fertile or less fertile region. The followings are the reasons for differential rates of growth in agriculture in Pakistan, Thiland and Philippine.


(i) Difference in availability of water and irrigation facilities.


(ii) Different levels of fertilizers use at right time and in right amount.


(iii) Differential flow of information regarding HYV seeds and their inputs.


(iv) Difference in the availability of new varieties of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides.


(5) Difference in nature and attitude of farmers towards the risk and uncertainties. This is because when there is a high risk in the adoption of modern technology, farmers are reluctant to abandon the outdated technology. It is shown with the help of Fig.




Nature of Green Revolution


Here the line MCN denotes the minimum consumption need. It is fixed, If the level of consumption is lower than this, it means famine and death. The line MDC stands for minimum desirable consumption. This slopes upward slowly. This represents the change in attitude due to economic growth etc. Small farmers attitude towards risk and uncertainties will be determined by his traditional production function. We take two types of farmers advanced - A and backward - B. The B's production remains close to MCN but A's production has increased slowly and it is above MCN and close to MDC. It shows that A farmer is a risk taker in adopting new techniques as compared with B. So as long as A farmer lives hand to mouth, he cannot afford risk. The govts. of UDCs do not provide any assurance to small farm holders against risk. Moreover, the returns to the cultivators are low because of traditional marketing etc. Hence, the risk taking will remain missing.


(6) The introduction of HYV has resulted in decreasing the prices of food grains. Furthermore due to GR the cultivable area will increase. The double or multiple cropping system will become possible.


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