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Home » Agriculture and Economic Development » Economics of Agriculture Specialization


Economics of Agriculture Specialization:


In agriculture specialization, farmers produce one crop instead of so many crops. In other words, the farmers, adopt specialized farming. By doing so they avail all those benefits which are accrued to the big businesses. Hence the goods are produced on a large scale. As in case of US, Australia, New Zealand and other big countries, the landlords employ heavy machinery, fertilizers and high-yielding variety seeds along with their big farms. As a result, the goods are produced on a large scale. This leads to reduce their costs. The welfare of domestic and foreign consumers increases as goods become available to them at lower prices. Here, agriculture becomes a business as well as industry where we calculate the costs, revenues and production function. Again, govt. also imposes taxes on income and agri. lands. Thus agriculture sector also contributes to national exchequer. In the specialized nature of agri. the production of agri. labor declines while that of capital and machines increase. Govts. and banks provide loans and other facilities to the farmers. Such all leads to boost agri. outputs. This is the reason that US, Australia and Canada are exporting wheat and maize to the whole world.


No doubt the specialized type of agri. has led to boost the agri. outputs. But this has also led to increase the incomes of the big farm holders as they have attained monopoly as they are charging high prices for their agri. products. In such a state of affairs, there exist possibilities that the big farmers could out-compete the small farmers. As a result, the small farmers may have become their tenants or servants. Accordingly, the flow of income or resources may move in favor of feudals and landlords. Moreover, when agri. becomes specialized, the agri. goods would be exported The multinational corporations may enter into agriculture. They may earn extra-ordinary profits by exploiting the international consumers. In this way, the benefits of large scale production may bi; over-weighed.


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