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Home » Theory of supply » Meanings of Supply


Meanings of Supply and Stock:


Definition of Supply:


Supply is of the scarce goods. It is the amount of a commodity that sellers are able and willing to offer fore sale at different price per unit of time.


In the words of Meyer:


“Supply is a schedule of the amount of a good that would be offered fore sale at all possible price at any period of time; e.g., a day, a week, and so on”.


Definition of Stock:


"Stock is meant the total quantity of a commodity this exists in a market and can be offered for sale at a short notice".


Difference/Distinction Between Supply and Stock:


Here it seems necessary that the meaning of the term ‘supply’ and ‘stock’ may be made clear as they are often confused by the readers. Supply refers to that quantity of the commodity which is actually brought into the market fore sale at a given price per unit of time. While Stock is meant the total quantity of a commodity this exists in a market and can be offered for sale at a short notice.


The supply and stock of a commodity in the market may or may not be equal if the commodity is perishable, like vegetables, fruits, fish, etc; then the supply and stock is generally the same. But in case of a product find that the price of his product is low as compared to its cost of production, he tries to withhold the entire or a part of a stock. In case of a favorable price, the producer may dispose of large quantities or the entire stock of his commodity; it will all depend upon his own valuation of the commodity at that particular time.

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